When I look back at my years as a teen with T1D, it is clear to me that the periods when I took good care of myself were too few and far between. Trying to navigate regular teenage problems like fitting in, peer pressure, dating, and keeping up with the demands of school in the midst of fluctuating blood sugars was a struggle. Like a regular teenager, the extent to which I would listen to my parents was often minimal. Friends usually yield the greatest influence during adolescence, but none of mine had T1D and I spent a lot of time feeling frustrated, angry, guilty and helpless.
My personal experience coupled with my understanding of adolescence and development, enhanced by my masters degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from SPU, are behind the creation of this group, the goal of which is to provide teen girls between 14-17 years old with the support and skills she needs to feel less isolated, more empowered and better equipped to cope with the increasing demands of self-management and diabetes. Group members will be given the opportunity to be honest in a safe, moderated environment where they can relate to and learn from each other because of their unique experience with T1D. The six sessions will take place Tuesdays from 7:00pm-8:15pm between January 19 and February 23, 2016.This is a six-week commitment for teen girls between the ages of 14-17 years old. Space is limited and inquiries must be submitted before December 31, 2015. The cost is $250. Please call 206-858-0247 or email cassady@cassadykintner.com for more information about how to sign up.